“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” -Walt Disney
As my wife can attest, this type castle project was always meant to be a letterpress poster. When I first started laying out the piece, about two years ago, I got all excited about how cool it would be to do a big letterpress poster of some Disneyland attractions all set in typography. I was so excited to share when I finally finished the artwork I decided to set it loose as a set of desktop wallpapers, but that was more of a fun little tangent than anything. Letterpress was always the goal.
Life threw a few curve balls to slow me down a bit and it’s taken me a while to finally get the show on the road… but I’m very happy to officially announce the Magic in Type Castle Letterpress Posters are for sale in the new shop!
Since the posters aren’t quite off the press yet, I’m offering a pre-order discount of $25 per poster through August 1, 2009. If pre-ordering’s not your thing, just leave your email address in the box on the shop, and I’ll let you know when the posters are shipping.
And what would a post about a letterpress project be without a little print shop eye candy…
What kind of press is this? Vandercook? The plate is AWESOME!!!