About a month ago, at the very top of the new year, I posted a thank-you note on Facebook. It popped into my brain again today, and I realized there are many people who I owe so much thanks that wouldn’t see it on Facebook.
So, here ‘goes. It went a little something like this:
Today, for the first time in a very long time, I’ve had quiet solitude that came with a sense of inner peace.
2012 was a year of such ridiculous loss, I can’t even comprehend how we kept going. Every single month, at least two loved ones passed away. Some months saw more. Friends, coworkers, relatives, mentors, siblings and tiny babies. Written out like that, it’s just completely unreal.
Through all of it, I didn’t realize how much I counted on my extended network to give me a boost when I was in darker places than I care to admit. My eyes are open today… and so I look at you, dear friend on (the internet).
Thank you so very much for every single message, post or extra moment of thought you gave me and my family through hard times. I’m humbled to my core by every bit of it.
Some of you I’ve met in real life, some I haven’t. Some of you I have let down or annoyed, but you showed love. For the most part, I’ve given you no reason at all to help me, but you did. You are amazing.
If you think I’m not talking to you, you’re wrong. You have transformed my life. I am a better person for having you in it, even distantly.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Thank you.
Since I appreciate my Twitter friends, and all 4 of you who read this blog just as much as those who saw it on Facebook, I just thought it was important to re-post here.
Thank you so very very much for helping my little family through 2012. We just couldn’t have done it without you.
Well said!