I was smack in the middle of finally updating the ‘About’ page on this site when I realized there was a good post topic buried there. It’s all about that question so many adults ask…
What do you do?
This is always hard for me to answer.
My whole life I’ve presented different versions of myself to different people. Not really on purpose, it just seemed to be the path of least resistance when the only other option is to lay on a big story about all the things that interest me and, in later life, people pay me to do. It never seems right to shove my whole story on people
It really started back in high school when I split two schools for a few years. I traded off and spent alternating days at each school. At one I was a singer & actor. I was in the musical productions and choirs and never really let on that I did anything else. At the other school I was a drummer. I was captain of the drumline and played in percussion ensemble and symphonic orchestra. I never really had a reason to let people know that I was a singer.
I inadvertently separated two major interests that made me who I am. It was kind of like living two separate lives. I didn’t actively try to keep them separate. Nobody asked, and I didn’t bring it up.
Now that I’m older I find myself creating a very similar situation. Different groups of people know me for different things.
Some people know me as a creative type. To them I’m an idea guy, presenter & showman. Some people see me as a tech guy. They see me fidget with the computer for a while and, like magic, machines do my bidding.
I would venture a guess that a few of the people I associate with have a real idea of the breadth of my professional experience, but not many. It’s completely my fault that most don’t. I shoehorn myself into roles and neglect to present anything else.
But, what do you do? Why is it hard to answer?
It’s hard because I do what catches my interest. But even more than that, I get all bent out of shape when people try and file me into a little box that only has one label.
I love to create experiences. I like to take ideas or information and present them in new, interesting & elegant ways. I’ve had the great fortune to design & produce a wide range of things, both real and virtual. Events for many thousands of guests, web applications, websites, outdoor & print ads, brand/identity systems, environment theming, way-finding systems, ways to manage thousands of volunteers for stunts and performances, music, experimental performance, art and anything else that has presented an opportunity to learn or teach.
So, what do you do?
Yeah yeah, I know. I’m afraid this isn’t a post with a clear point, or even an clear answer to the question I posed. Just food for thought I guess.
I know I’m not the only one with this problem. I work with people who have wild jobs that defy any sort of description. How do you all handle it? Is it even an issue for you?
I never finished that update to my ‘About’ page.
I have the exact same problem, you’re speaking my language. I’ve started using the term “visual strategist” but it sounds like marketing jargon. Plus it doesn’t really answer the question, it posits another.
I wish I had an answer as well.
I’ve heard the term “Creative Technologist” used at Apple. I think it’s got a nice ring to it… but it still doesn’t answer the real question of “What do you do?”
The search goes on…