64oz. is a half-gallon!

So Janey and I just returned to my apartment after a wonderfully fun adventure.

The story all starts with Janey spending last night feeling quite ill. While that in and of itself is not so wonderfully fun it does set the stage for a post work trip to the doctors office. To make a long story quite short I will put it in a few bullet points:

  • Janey gets super stressed and hypochondriatic when she visits a doctors office. She is quite sure, even now, that the red splochies on her face are the result of contracting a distant strain of the black death.
  • I still find it wildly funny when someone is handed a little plastic cup to fill. When I see the transaction taking place I immediately digress to elementary school and can hardly contain a smirk and chortle. I really have no idea what groomed the chord that this strikes with me… but it does hit me at the core. I’m actually grinning while I type this!
  • Karma is a B**CH (I’ll explain this next)

So as you can imagine I did give Janey a hard time about having to have blood taken, and work with that little plastic cup. Little did I know that the masters of the universe were planning their revenge.

On the way home we planned a little stop at a 7-11 or similar convenience store to get her some lip balm and me a good sized beverage. It’s been the sort of day that I want to reward myself with a good half-gallon of diet coke. (really… did you know that those 64oz. cups are a half-gallon of liquid!?! nuts!) So we reached the establishment with Habib and Akbar behind the counter waiting to ring me up. All went well with the transaction, and we were off to the car to head home.

As Janey and I were completing our vehicle entry ritual of a quick kiss before I close her door, I stood up and accidentally hit the top edge of my beverage bucket on the car door. If you can picture the shape of a 7-11 64oz. cup you’ll realize how top heavy it is. Well nature (read: gravity) was working against me and in one very slow motion moment I watched the container flip as it fell to the ground. The lid came off and all 0.5 gallons of brown nutri-sweet sweetened goodness found its way onto, and into, my right shoe. I couldn’t help but join in Janey’s laughter when I turned around to see the mini river my diet coke had made out to the middle of the parking lot.

so the moral of the story?

You reap what you sow… so be nice dammit!

3 thoughts on “64oz. is a half-gallon!”

  1. I found this entry to be extremely funny for some reason! I was laughing out loud here in my health food store (at least I was by myself!). I do hope Janey is feeling better though!
    You should try working in a hospital & being on the receiving end of that plastic cup when it’s been filled. Now THAT’S funny!

  2. I’m glad you’ve learned your lesson jerk. Can’t wait ’til it’s your turn to go get some exams done. Karma’s not done yet!

    Thanks, Amber. I am feeling a whole lot better. But I’d hate to be on the receiving end. Giving, receiving… ugh. It’s a pain either way, I’m sure.

  3. Rus! HA! Hilarious! I think more, though, the way you describe it is the funniest. Yes, I did laugh out loud!

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