Skyped again

I geeked out a little bit tonight. Of course, that’s not a complete departure from most nights, but it make sense to start out by telling you the frame of mind that I’m in.

In the beginning of my online travels tonight I came across a little reminder that Leo Laporte’s ‘new’ project Net@Nite started tonight. I’ve been watching/listening to Leo in verious forms for at least the last 5 years… maybe more. From ZDTV (then techTV), to here localy on KFI, and then to podcasting, and now to this really cool real time netcast from TalkShoe.

Anyway… every time I hear Leo talk he brings up Skype. I downloaded it when it very first came to Mac and was not impressed at all at least in it’s execution. The concept was great, but the Mac client sucked pretty bad.

Tonight, I decided to give it another try. It looks like the interface is much nicer, but I can’t really test it out because I have nobody to talk to.

So if you’re a Skype person drop me a line so I can try this out.

My Skypename: rustinjessen

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