I’m just getting in to work and for some reason this was the first place I stopped. I think probably the biggest reason for me posting here is to get that last entry off the big, bold, front-and-center spot on my site. I just think it looks a little too much like I’m posting for pity… I’m not. And before anyone commented on that entry I wanted to make sure to say that.
This blog is really just a nice way for me to release. Strange to some I guess. If you don’t have a blog, I highly recommend starting one. Most folks say “but I wouldn’t have anything to say”, and to that I say BAH! Everyone has something to say some time. It doesn’t have to be all the time.
It’s neat though, it’s my own little soap box out here on the intarwebs. People can read it… or not. Either way suits me just fine. I’m still going to write it.
Anyway, things seem to be leveling out at bit. At least in my own mind. Conversations are hard, and I fight with how I’m supposed to be feeling. But I think I’m on my way.