It may not seem like much…

It may not seem like much, but this little blog system was a lot of work. Not really the system itself, but making it look like the rest of my site. Kind of a pain in the butt to be honest. I’m not really skilled with CSS (cascading style sheets) and this whole things is built on em. So customization was a slow process.

So far it’s looking pretty good… I’m sure I will be tweaking and changing a lot as days go by, but a good start.

I have to sit back and thing how long I’ve been working on this. 6 hours. Really, would anyone but a total geek work on something like this for his personal site for 6 full hours. Mind you thats 6 full hours in the middle of the night when there’s a busy day ahead. Ahh well. at this point I’m staying up all night anyway, and what else am I gonna do. Thats right, nothing. So I will keep working on it till sun-up. 🙂

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