My friend Cody and his wife Jamie are in town this week. They also brought along Jamie’s sister Brooke for a fun filled trip to Disneyland. They actually got in yesterday afternoon and we went for a little drive down to the beach to see the ocean and stuff. We got some dinner at The Old Spaghetti Factory right by the beach down on the Balboa peninsula and took off.
I shouldn’t skim over that like I did, since the whole dinner thing was a much larger project than I could have anticipated. It seems Jamie is quite the picky eater. She eats sea food, but not fish or shell fish of any kind. I was told this basically means the only things she eats that come from a body of water are shrimp and lobster. Under normal circumstances I’m sure thats not really a problem at all… but comon.. were by the ocean here people. when you stop into a sea-side fish place… they mean fish place. There’s nothing else on the menu. So we walked around looking for a place with a suitable menu. stopping at one little joint after another all the while I’m thinking ‘we’re gonna end up at the spaghetti factory’. This is only amusing since thats the restaurant I suggested on the way in, but was shot down since they could go to that restaurant in Utah. Oh well. To make a long story short, we did to there… and it was really good.
So now back to Today. We got going a little after 10:00 and headed for California Adventure. It was all of their first times to DCA and they seemed to like it a lot. I was a little annoyed though. It seemed like every leg of our trip was affected by the recent budget cuts that Disneyland has in place. Everything from cast members not being allowed to use certain parking lots, to no longer letting us have a discount on anything but one day one park tickets. I was planning on helping Cody out with his park hoppers… but it seems I no longer get a discount on those. I don’t know if that’s a product of the cuts but it was annoying nonetheless.
Well thats enough rambling for now. I have so much to say about Aladdin and D.U.H. and some other offerings at the park… but I will save those for a later rant that I feel coming on. Right now I’m supposed to be napping since we are going back to the park in a little over a half and hour. So until next time.