I got home from work a little earlier then I planned yesterday so I finally finished the project I started so many months ago. I spent a few hours just cleaning up the code that drives this blog… Since the code of the blog and the rest of the site are loosely integrated it totally messed up the look of the rest of the site. That will be my next job as soon as I get a few extra minutes.
Some new stuff to look for:
- new comment styling
- fixed the ‘Name’ field styling in the comment form
- made sure fonts were consistant throu all the different content and popup bits
- new menu styling (this one will probably change
And finally, there was a major change to the way I’m handling the comments. Thanks to the wonderful world of automated spammer bots I was being inundated with ‘advo-spam’ for some online casino. For those of you who don’t know what that is… it just means a computer somewhere has been programmed to find blogs and post advertisements in the comments section. I’ve been on a bunch of ‘blog support’ type message boards out there and there are apparently thousands of people having the same trouble. Without going into how a blog might get on these bots radar I will just say that once you’re there it’s one of the most annoying things anywhere. AND SO If you post a comment and don’t see it on the site immediatly it means you’ve been accidentally caught in the trap I set for the spammers. Try re-wording your post and make sure there’s not more then one link in it. If you have trouble after that… just drop me an email and I will try an dget it fixed.
There were some other minor changes… but those were the big ones. IF there is any geekish folks who would like to know how I did anything just drop a comment and I will let you know. For now though I think it’s just the non-geeks who read this.