All posts by admin

Rustin’s Weblog

I got home from work a little earlier then I planned yesterday so I finally finished the project I started so many months ago. I spent a few hours just cleaning up the code that drives this blog… Since the code of the blog and the rest of the site are loosely integrated it totally messed up the look of the rest of the site. That will be my next job as soon as I get a few extra minutes.

Some new stuff to look for:

  • new comment styling
  • fixed the ‘Name’ field styling in the comment form
  • made sure fonts were consistant throu all the different content and popup bits
  • new menu styling (this one will probably change

And finally, there was a major change to the way I’m handling the comments. Thanks to the wonderful world of automated spammer bots I was being inundated with ‘advo-spam’ for some online casino. For those of you who don’t know what that is… it just means a computer somewhere has been programmed to find blogs and post advertisements in the comments section. I’ve been on a bunch of ‘blog support’ type message boards out there and there are apparently thousands of people having the same trouble. Without going into how a blog might get on these bots radar I will just say that once you’re there it’s one of the most annoying things anywhere. AND SO If you post a comment and don’t see it on the site immediatly it means you’ve been accidentally caught in the trap I set for the spammers. Try re-wording your post and make sure there’s not more then one link in it. If you have trouble after that… just drop me an email and I will try an dget it fixed.

There were some other minor changes… but those were the big ones. IF there is any geekish folks who would like to know how I did anything just drop a comment and I will let you know. For now though I think it’s just the non-geeks who read this.

HEADLINE: Man superglued condom to penis

I was poking around the internet around lunch time today and ran across this article. I laughed so hard I almost fell off my chair.

— As seen on Ananova:

A Romanian father-of-five needed medical help after he superglued a condom to his penis.

Nicolae Popovici, 43, told doctors he didn’t want any more children, reports National newspaper. The man, from Topraiser in Constanta county, named only as NP in the paper, already has five children.

He and his wife decided to use contraception but the condom they bought was too big so he stuck it on with glue. After sex, the man realised he couldn’t remove the condom and went to his village’s medical clinic for help.

A nurse said: “He even said that he thought the condom could be used several times and that he wanted it stuck on his penis so he could use it again later. We barely managed to remove it in the end.”

New friends and projects

So I’m looking at the calendar, and it’s been over a week since I last post. I know there are so many people just hanging on my every word… how can I dissappoint you *cough bull bough*

Well at least I know a few members of my family read. I also found out today another person at work ‘happened’ across my little bit of the web. So welcome. I’m happy to have all read.

A whole bunch of stuff has been going on in the world of me lately. In addition to what is now my normal swing of events and planning of said events I’ve picked up some random web work. It seems to come in waves. I will go without hearing from anyone in my geek life for months at a time, then all of the sudden 5 different people email me with needs for a new site or help with a plan for a new project. I like it. It’s fun to hash out new projects with people and come up with fun new interesting things to let loose on the world. Right now the most complete of my little projecst is PrimoSpas. My good friend Ron called me with some ideas and a client, so I ran with it. As of this post date the site is only about 4 days old. It will come together… I would love to hear anyones feedback on what they think of this new site. Dont forget theres a little link a the bottom of each post to send comments my way! 🙂 It’s even fun to get comments from people that don’t like me. We had a little friend come visit the site who apparently didn’t like me much as you can see here. Maybe next time they will tell me who they were.

So.. I will just sit back and wait for those comments to come rolling in!

I’m going to run some errands in a few min. but I will be back online a little later. It’s feeling like a two post day.

Until next time

It’s still monday

So I’m around the computer this late for two reasons

  1. there comes a point that if you go to sleep there is not a chance you will wake up on time
  2. Janey was hogging the computer all night in her cranky pants (Janey if you’re reading this I meant to say your happy happy sweet pants, and what you just read was a typo)

So with those two variables added up I’ve made the super smart decision to stay up till I have to go to work. Maybe an hour or so nap… but nothing longer or I will never wake up. Tonight will just be my geek night.

I’ve been putting off a whole bunch of web updates I wanted to get done, so now those are finally done. I also had a giant stack of email that needed to be returned so I did that… hmm what else. … OH yes.. the most exciting part of the evening was signing up for Netflix. It’s a flat fee per month for all the movies you could dream of. And since I’ve been spending money on buying a new DVD about every other weekend… this will work out much better. check it out.. it’s very cool.

alright. I’m drooping pretty bad now. I better get a little nap.

until next time,


it’s monday

It’s Monday, and I’m still breathing. I just finished my first two events and both went off without a hitch. Well…. Mostly. There was some quick decisions to be made thanks to the rain, and some moves and extra plans, but overall they were an absolute success.

I had fun, the clients were extremely happy… and I have some fun stories to tell around the campfire.

As I mentioned before we did have to deal with mother nature a bit. On sat it didn’t rain until right after the band finished playing. It’s like it was waiting for us. And last night it didn’t rain till we were all done.

I don’t have a ton of time right now.. But I will post more soon. I’m loving this event gig..

Till next time,

My first event

I’m at work today for an event and I have just a bit of free time, so lets chat.

I’ve spend most of this week just kind of settling into my new gig. There is a lot of stuff that you just can’t get from a training manual. Tribal knowledge type stuff that just has to be passed from one person to the next, or it just won’t happen right. So I’ve been doing a lot of watching and listening to those folks who have been here a long time. As you can imagine things here don’t run the same as they might in the outside world. Disney kind of has their own way of doing everything, and special events are no different. Or… they are different, that’s what makes them Disney events! Getting from point A to point B around here is sometimes a challenge. Lots of red tape and paperwork, forms and logs and calls and confirmations. I guess that builds up in any company this size… but it is kind of annoying. I get so used to just making decisions and running with them, that having to run them by 7 different people for feasibility and legalities gets old fast.

You know… on a quick re-read of that last paragraph it’s obvious that a person might think I don’t like what I am doing. That couldn’t be further from the truth. I know I’ve said it over and over since I moved to CA, but I AM having the time of my life. Since the beginning of my Disney life I have done things I’ve dreamed about since as far back as I can remember. It’s hard to explain how it feels to sit right in the place that only 2 years ago was a dream pushed to the back of my head by logic. I convinced myself after moving out of the arts into the geek world, there was just no way to make my way back. I was too far gone… But here I am. Amazing isn’t it. That right this second I’m looking out my office window onto the majestic peak of Matterhorn Mountain. Gives me chills… OK, OK, OK Enough touchy feely… lets talk about what’s going on.

I’m at work today because I have my first Disney event. It’s over in DCA and I’m in the office to do a little prep work. To be honest I had a whole lot less prep work then I thought I did, that’s why I have the extra time to post this update. 🙂 I’m getting just a bit nervous right now as I look up to the sky. It’s cloudy… like the kind of dark grey clouds that tell you rain is on the way. The forecast last night was “a good chance of late evening showers”. You have to understand how terrible the timing of this is. We just spent a solid 6 months here in Southern CA with not a drop coming from the sky. Hell… There wasn’t so much as a wispy cloud. Down here it is blue sunny skies year round. Of course the evening of my first event… that’s my first outdoor event… we should see late evening showers.

I’ve got my rain tents on standby. I’ve got several hours till the event actually begins, so I’m not going to make the call just yet. I’ll be going over to the venue in a hour or so… I’ll decide then. I guess we will see what happens.

I won’t write too any more today. I’m going to go double check all my plans and make sure tonight goes off well. I know it’s mostly my family reading this, so thank you guys for everything. Jackie… Rest and get better soon. I miss you, and I hate that you’re in pain. Keep you’re chin up and a smile on your face, it’ll all be O.K.!

She has a new home

There is a bitter-sweet calm in my apartment tonight. Lady Jane, my little beagle, has a new home. I met with some great folks this afternoon who are going to show her a lot of love and take good care of her. They have 3 kids and a big yard. She’ll be much happier with them.

So things here are pretty quiet. After I vacuumed and mopped, I just sat. Turned on some music and just sat listening.

Thats really I have to update tonight. There is a ton of cool stuff going on, but for now lets just stick to that.

until next time,



So I suppose some clarification is in order. It was brought to my attention today that I used some verbiage in another update that wasn’t quite correct.

My new position is actually called Entertainment Events Specialist. See… Mother Mouse has to be very careful about titles, since salaries and status is loosely based on several of them. So my duties entail all things that would be in the court of an event producer… while being called a Specialist.

Whew… ok now I’m all good.

Until next time,


What a ride

Today has been an all-over-the-place kinda day. I will just start by telling you that the girl who was showing a lot of interest in Lady decided it was a no go… so I’m back to sqare one on that front. I have had a lot of good responses today though, so my spirits are high!

On a really happy note Lady is clicking with the “poop on the paper, not the carpet” thing. I can’t believe she has pickedup on it so quickly. Super smart pup if you ask me. I will be sad to see her go. She’s a lot of energy… but she’s a lot of fun too.

I wish I had more time to write, but as always it’s run run run at work.

So until next time


So much to tell

Hey everyone. I’m sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted anything, but when you hear what is goin on you will know why.

Lets start with work:
I’ve spent the last week just tying up loose ends while I get ready to transition into my new position. I didn’t really noticed how quickly I had entrenched myself in that department till I had to get ready to leave. It wasn’t just a normal temp thing that I could take off from. I had learned so much about everything that goes on over there, that it was hard to decide what was essential info and what was just ‘tribal knowledge’. A lot of what the departments in the Entertainment Division do is based on info just passed from person to person. Never being documented or refined. It’s basically a matter of knowing who takes care of what and how to make a good working relationship with them. That being said… I still had to get a temp comfortable this morning to so I could start doing my new job for real. Last week I kept getting assigned new events while I was still working the old gig. So these events are now just one week closer and I’ve just had a chance to get to them today.

And now home…
So I got a new puppy named Lady Jane. She is adorable and very fun… and she’s driving me nuts! After all the planning and care I took in getting ready to get a puppy, I realized I just didn’t have a good idea of how much energy she was going to be. On top of that my apartment management company has changed it’s pet policy from small pets only to cats only…. That leaves little Lady out of the mix. I went to plead my case with the leasing office, but they said ‘no way no how’ and sent me on my way. SOOOO I’m looking for a new home for my 11 week old pure-bred Beagle. I’ve had a pretty good response today from some people and work… so we will see how that turns out.

For now I have to run over to the Disneyland Hotel to meet with some banquet folks…

Till next time,