All posts by admin

Laziness and some family notes

I run into a situation a lot, and I imagine that it’s something that lots of bloggers hit.

I have all the experiences and interactions throughout the day. At the time I think “Oh, I’ve got to put that on my blog!”… but by the time I get home, I’m either too pooped or feeling too lazy to actually type something out and get it posted. I really am sorry about that. I know it’s annoying to visit someone’s blog only to see that it hasn’t been updated. All I can say is that I’ll keep trying… may not get any better… but I’ll keep throwing my bits of nonsense on this website and see if any of you like to read it.

So… what have I got for you today? …

OH! I know, the photo album! Janey and I have gone a long time while the up-loader for our shared photo album was broken. It’s sat there for a long time without updates because we couldn’t connect to it. Well I finally took some time and got the bugs all worked out and we’re live and updating again. Click the photo button in the navigation bar at the top and check out some preview images… then link over to the actual photo album.

In other news, I did get a call from my sister tonight. I wish I could have talked a little more, but I was in the middle of setting up for an event. Later I did talk to my mom about it and got a few more details.

It seems my sister Jackie was given some potentially bad news from her doc. She’s had more bad news from those medical types then anyone should have to endure… thankfully that bad news has very often been followed by good news… but the stress of getting to the good news wears on her (I’m sure).

Either way, Jac I’m sure it will all turn out okay. And it’s something that’s taken 700 miles and a few years away for me to really realize. But there’s just nothing that you could encounter that our family can’t help you get through. It’s a great, and increasingly rare thing, to have a close family who can all pull together to help in hard times. So no matter what the news turns out to be, we’ll all just pull together and make it work out for the best.

Thats all I’ve got for tonight.

A quick trip home

Last week was tough… by the time Friday rolled around I was pretty much burned out on all fronts. I needed a real break, a change of scene from the daily life of living in one of the worlds highest traffic tourist attractions.

My first inkling was to pull a little camping trip together. Throw the tent and a few blankets in the back of the car and head for the hills. The first thoughts were Yosemite or Sequoia national parks. They are both places that Janey and I really wanted to visit. We hopped online and started checking out maps when a thought struck me.

What about Utah?

Sure, it’s a 12 hour drive away, and we’ve got to be back Monday morning for work… but it could be fun. To make a long story short, we decided to head for Utah to surprise my family. I know there were moments when both Janey and I thought “why the hell did we decide to do this” but once we finally got on the road, I was quite happy with the decision we made.

I’ll do a little more shortening here and tell you that we did surprise everyone. We just showed up on my parents doorstep and started surprising everyone from there.

It was so great to see everyone, and it was fantastic to be back in Utah during the summertime. Everything was so green and looked so great. The air smelled fresh and just made me want to drop everything and be a mountain man.

The whole thing was over so fast I barely had a chance to blink. The road home was long, but I had my best gal by my side so there was no place I would have rather been.

It was fun to see my new niece Ashlee (she’s a week old), and my sisters new condo. It was great to play with all the kids, and roast marshmallows out on the patio. I had such a fun time sitting and chatting with everyone. So I’m very happy we went to Utah. It was just what I needed and I’m back to real life (or so I call it) with a renewed energy.

A brand new baby in the fam

Hey everybody.
I know I’m a little slow to get it up here… Last night my wonderful sister and her husband brought a brand new life into the world.

New Baby

She’s came a little early so she’s got to spend a few nights in the intensive care unit, but we’re very happy she’s here.

As seems to be my family’s MO these days, she still has no name. So welcome no-name, and congratulations Jackie, Devan and Braden!

Lazy day

Man, it was muggy today! It was just hot, humid, and generally uncomfortable down here in Southern CA. Every time I turned on the radio (AM talk of course) they were talking about how hot it was, and how much power everyone is using. They warned of blackouts and such, telling me that I’m supposed to set my thermostat to eighty-somethig degrees… Now that’s just a bunch of bull if I’ve ever heard it. If I have access to an air conditioner, you better believe that sucker is going to be running to keep me as cool as I want to be. If the power goes out… I’m heading for the car where I can happily direct the vents emitting cold crisp air right into my face.

** as a little side bar I need to let you all know how happy I am to finally have an air conditioner in my car. Janey and I have endured two SoCal summers and a few crazy trips to Vegas with no air conditioning in my car. I was always very intimidated with how much it costs to repair AC systems so I did a lot of diagnosis and testing myself. When I had finally proven to myself that I couldn’t go any further with out specialized tools and training, I broke down and took it to the auto shop. I was so pleased to hear them say “it’s not as bad as you thought it was” I nearly jumped out of my shoes. They did a recharge, replaced a relay, and even did a little extra work on my deteriorating engine mounts all for under $300. For what it’s worth, if your ever in the Anaheim area and need auto service, I now have a favorite shop to send you to.

So lets get back to this weekend:
Yesterday was just as bad as today (as far as temperature goes). But Janey and I managed to make it a pretty swell weekend.

We finally took some time to see Pirates of the Caribbean 2 which I enjoyed quite a bit. I didn’t have the same complaints about it that several of my co-workers did. I think it’s because I went into it just wanting to be entertained. I didn’t want to look too deep for plots, sub plots, and all that other moviephile shtuff. I just wanted to see an action movie with some comedy bits based on one of my favorite Disney attractions. And for that it was wonderful. I was completely entertained the whole way through it. I couldn’t help but be just the slightest bit annoyed with some of the talent… but all-in-all… loved it.

The rest of the day is really a blur for me. Janey and I spent the day just running around town stopping wherever we felt like it. Had lunch at a cute little gas station turned cafe in old town Orange. Stopped by a health food store to pick of a back of some kind of nutritional powder that Janey wanted to try out in her crystal light. And we visited a few little antique furniture stores that are on the same street. (We’ve sort of found a new little past-time – Antiquing… it’s really quite fun)

Today was another lazy day. We went to Barnes and Noble where I read a bunch of stuff that I didn’t want to, then we went to Michaels crafts where I picked up a new fountain pen to play with. I’m having a great time. It makes me feel like I know how to write again. It’s really a skill that I have completely lost over the last few years. I just don’t have any need to handle a pen and paper. I do everything with my computers. But the fountain pen makes me feel good… like I have some sort of connection to the past. Its sort of hard to explain… but I highly recommend having at least one real fountain pen.

When we got back, we had a wonderful dinner of chicken soup Janey had made from scratch. Before we left this morning she came over and put all the ingredients into my crock pot. We came home to a wonderful wonderful home cooked meal. Mmmm

Sort of a random post… but it’s better then nothing 🙂


the show with ze frank

I’ve recenlty found a fantastic video podcast that just makes me smile every time a new episode is downloaded. It’s like a big wall of stimulus just flying at you.

“the show with zefrank” is a website and video blog produced each weekday. The site weaves commentary on media and current events with viewer contributions and interactive activites. It’s not at all safe for work since much of Ze Franks content is his own slant on news with copious ammounts of foul language (and vulgarity, and implied vulgarity if there is such a thing… did I just invent that?).

In his episode for 7-11-06 a viewer (sports-racer) asked if Ze is running out of ideas… his response below:

I run out of ideas every day! Each day I live in mortal fear that I’ve used up the last idea that’ll ever come to me. If you don’t wanna run out of ideas the best thing to do is not to execute them. You can tell yourself that you don’t have the time or resources to do ’em right. Then they stay around in your head like brain crack. No matter how bad things get, at least you have those good ideas that you’ll get to later.

Some people get addicted to brain crack. And the longer they wait, the more they convince themselves of how perfectly that idea should be executed. And they imagine it on a beautiful platter with glitter and rose petals. And everyone’s clapping for them. But the, but the, but the, but the bummer is most ideas kinda suck when you do ’em. And no matter how much you plan you still have to do something for the first time. And you’re almost guaranteed the first time you do something that it’ll blow. But somebody who does something bad three times still has three times the experience of that other person who’s still dreaming of all the applause. When I get an idea, even a bad one, I try to get it out into the world as fast as possible, ’cause I certainly don’t want to be addicted to brain crack.

I love it.

A new energy

It’s now been almost 8 moths since I first told you all that I wanted to write a book. I must sadly confess that I’m not much further ahead on the project then I was when I last posted in this category on my blog.

I had a really good run for about a week there in September, then I just couldn’t think of where to take the story. For the following several months I tinkered and edited, changed some passages, and worked in some details. But really I wasn’t making any real headway. I was stuck to the same 10 or 15 pages as it just changed forms.

I’ve suddenly had a resurgence of interest in writing. Not becoming an “author” mind you, but just writing something interesting. Something that other people would be interested in reading.

The real problem I’m having tonight is that as I re-read my story so far it just feels like a dead end. It’s a great start, but I just can’t think of anywhere to take it.

In short.. this little blog entry doesn’t say much. I’d like to say I’ve given myself a deadline for finishing a manuscript, but I know I would just let the deadline slip by. So I’ll just say that I’m going to give it some more energy in the coming days and see where I get.

Dentist Day

alright alright… So I know it’s been forever since a good blog entry showed up here. I know that my last post was a half-ass’d-phone-it-in effort (but it was pretty funny right?). So, I’m going to make it up to you dear readers. Because today was a hell of a day.

Let’s start this story by stating one fact. I’ve had a pretty damned good health care package with Disney for some time. I’ve got health, optical, dental, mental wellness, group legal, and every other sort of coverage you might imagine. I even think there is something about “…dismemberment while in the workplace” that has always made me chuckle a little bit. Every time I read it I think of walking by a printer in the office when the paper tray suddenly ejects with such a force as to sever the leg closest to it. I guess something strange could happen when I’m out in the theme parks, it’s just always more fun to think of mundane office equipment attacking it’s operator.

So I’ve always understood that my company offers quite a good healthcare package. It should! I have a good chunk of my paycheck deducted for it every week. This in mind though, you may find my actual usage of those benefits strange. I just don’t use them. Since having all the wonderful coverage I could wish for I have made exactly one visit to an optometrist, one phone call to the group legal folks, and (as of today) one visit to the dentist.

This is where we could break of into a big fat conversation about why I don’t use all the services I’m paying for… but I’m going to stop you right there. The reason I pay for the insurance is simply the peace of mind the comes with it. I don’t feel the need to use all my alloted points, dollars, visits, calls, and such in my given calendar year. What I pay for is the knowledge that when it is time for a man in a white coat to tell me with a furled brow “your octopflopiatal lobe has absessed causing disseminated fibrilation of your fantoids” that all the emergency surgery and sponge baths while I eat mashed up popsicles in a cup are paid for. And until my fantoids start to hurt, I really see no reason to bother my white coated friends. So lets just move right on shall we?

The first 8 hours of the day were nothing out of the ordinary. I put in my hours at work getting ready for a few big events. All prep sort of stuff. Calls, emails, that sort of thing. There was the briefest moment of the day where I think I dosed off in front of my computer, but I’m sure thats just because I was reading the latest something-something our ever-in-touch-with-the-worker human resources department put out. The work day was normal.

Around 3:00 it was time to pick Janey up and embark on a new adventure that, though I would never admit this to Janey, I was a little nervous for. We were indeed on our way to my first dentist visit in my recent memory. My last trip to the DDS must have been over 5 years ago and that one ended up in a root canal. terrible terrible stuff. If it was permissible by society for a fat man to break into tears wincing from pain inflicted by an endodontist intern I believe I would have. But I digress.

Our trip took us to a charming town (read: a little scary) where the dentist we were referred to had a shop behind the gas station in a strip mall with the mexican food place and the dry cleaners. And as we strode up to the door I was heartened to read the sign advertising that my dentist also provides Notary Public services. DAMN, and I left all my legal documents at home! How convenient to get a filling and have a statement notarized all in a lunch hour.

I make fun, but I was actually a little scared. I must be a dentist snob because when I visit a dental office there are certain things I just expect to see. Ficus trees in the waiting room, nice but uncomfortable furniture, a stack of magazines that don’t interest me, and of course a fish tank. This waiting room contained canvas chairs that long should have been replaced, a small magazine stand, a TV on a stand, and a box fan from wal-mart. Despite my reservations I decided to swallow my pride and just let it all happen.

I’m going to fast forward through the mundane parts of the visit and just hit some of the highlights:

The assistant was a little strange and sort of reminded me of a mousey girl that I went to elementary school with. She took my ex-rays and talked a little bit. I’m not sure what she was saying, but I think it had something to do with “cleaning the…”, and thats about all I picked up.

While waiting for the dentist (which seemed to be a very long time as dentists go) I started playing with some of the tools that dangled from various pneumatic arms around my chair. Including, but not limited to: 1) that wonderful dentist light that makes great patterns on the wall when reflected off my Mickey Mouse watch 2) that gun-shaped metal thing with a button for air and water. The air doesn’t come out at a very high pressure, but the water will make it all the way out into the hallway. 3) the spitty sink water button the turns on the little water spout. Unfortunately it seems the drain was clogged and I was forced to find help when the sink nearly overflowed. and finally 4) the latex gloves. There will never be a day in my life that I won’t enjoy using a latex glove as a balloon.

The dentist checked me over and found ZERO cavities!!! can you believe that? I couldn’t. The only work I had to have done was a cleaning and replace a metal filling that I’ve had since before I remember (I guess it was leaking or something).

The sonic cleaning pick thing that she used was obviously invented by the devil himself to inflict the maximum amount of pain possible while performing run-of-the-mill tasks. That bitch hurt.

And so… I think that about sums it up.

I happy to be done with the dentist for another 5 or 6 years (just kidding). But I will try and update the blog more.

See you next time.