Awake when I shouldn’t be

I guess the last time I posted was the tail end of Cody’s trip to CA. The night ended great. After a fun day at Disneyland (and bits at DCA) we finished up the night with Fantismic! and Fireworks from the Tower B seating in front of the river. Thats one of the perks of my job that I will always love. You don’t have to wait four hours but get the best seat in the house for one of the most innovative shows ever staged. (you can tell I’m a huge F! fan.

Well after that I dropped Cody and crew off at their hotel, said our g’byes and Janey and I headed home for bed. Now after those 3ish days of full on theme park excitement I was totally beat. I got home at about 1:00 and hit my bed. I don’t even remember the path from my door to my pillow. I think I was asleep even before I laid down.

Today when it was time for Janey to go to work (at noon) she tried to call me. I was still asleep so it took her a few calls to get me awake. When I finally realized there was a real world waiting outside the dream one I got a little grumpy. Just kind of a morning thing lately for me 🙂 My bed seems to wrap around me at that point and won’t let me go. Anyway, I finally got the phone. It was Janey wanting to get some lunch before work.

So we went to China China for lunch… It’s really called grand china something or other but I just gave it that name and it stuck. There is a crazy chinese lady that works there who is affected by one of two conditions 1) she was part of a botox beta test gone totally awry or 2) it’s really a man who found a stash of old chinese lady masks and is running from the law. Either way this person has no facial emotion whatsoever and speaks terrible english. She has apparently been promoted to Manager (as noted on her name-tag) and it’s a complete mystery what kind of approval process that went through. But thats another conversation for another day.

So since I slept quite late today I’m just not feeling the sleep bug right now. It’s a little past 3:00 am and I’m just not tired. So I put my Eddie Izzard DVD on and I’m blogging till I get tired.

Problem is I don’t have much to say. so for now this will have to do.

Till next time,


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