Inspiration is like picking up one of those blinky things in a video game that makes you invincible for awhile. You can do anything, go anywhere, and you don’t have to worry about it.
Those blinky things exist in real life too. It may be a picture, or some words, or a sound, or a idea, or a mistake, or a moment. Whatever it is, pick it up and run with it. Run with it like you stole it.
You can’t bottle up inspiration. You can’t put it in a ziplock, toss it in the freezer, and fish it out later. It’s instantly perishable if you don’t eat it while it’s fresh.
On Friday I was inspired by a few things. I swore off the weekend and dove into it. And I got about 2 weeks of work done in 24 hours. Inspiration is a time machine.
Inspiration is a magical thing, a productivity multiplier, a motivator. But it won’t wait for you. Inspiration is a now thing. If it grabs you, grab it right back and put it to work.
So Janey and I are watching American Idol and I’m just terribly dissapointed. Every contestant so far (we’re only about half way through it) has gotten up and just thrown a bunch of suck all over the stage. bleh.
Come on folks. If you’re going to be on TV with any hope of making a carrer in music… you’re going to have to step it up!
Of course, I do have to mention one stand out:
If you watch american idol you probably have heard of Taylor Hicks. He looks like jay leno minus the chin, and with grey hair. If you have a some free time this guy is definately worth watching… Good Luck Taylor.
Researchers say the mind can be strengthened with regular training and rigorous practice. Here’s a sample brain warm-up for a quick mental recharge. If you feel you’re a bit sluggish, try repeating similar exercises daily to get your brain back in shape.