Category Archives: Site News

A little mid-week shuffle

If your a frequent visitor here you’ll notice that I made some changes to the site layout. It doesn’t seem like much out front, but It’s actually a total gutting of the back end code. There still plenty of broken things, so don’t worry too much if any links you click are broken. I’m still working on it.

Rather then making a whole new post, I thought I’d just continue here. I think I’ve worked out the bulk of the problems that I created by ripping up the back end. There is still a few more features that I want to build in, but they will have to wait for a few more days. It’s about 1:00AM now… and I’m just beat!

Problems with IE

It looks as if Internet Explorer on Windows is mangling what I thought was a completely straightforward design. Since I’ve retired my windows PC at home, I have to wait to get to work to test it.

It looks like I will have to do some tweaking tonight on this new layout. so if you are on Internet Explorer for windows… sorry. I will work on it. In the meantime you might consider a better browser. (only my opinion of course)

Update: I think I have solved the problems IE was causing… well, I’ve at least hacked things up on this end enough that it will display alright. Not perfect, but it’ll do.

Clean White Space

If your a regular visitor to the site (all 3 of you) you’ll notice some pretty big changes. A complete redesign in fact. I had most of the day off work today so I threw this together. I’ve been a big fan of minimalist designs like this recently. No heavy graphics to get in the way… just nice clean white space. The colors come from another project I have been working on. I just got this triad of colors together and fell in love. Put some grey scales in the mix and it just becomes nice and tasty.

The inspiration for the design is here.

It’s true

It’s true. This is my second redesign in two days. I’ve taken some great things I learned from A List Apart to come up with this one. I still have the design from a few days ago… I’m not sure what I’m going to do with it.

anyway… if you have a moment please leave a comment and let me know what you would change on this design.

Morning All

If you’re a regular visitor you can see that I have re-designed my blog yet again. It also finally has a name. After a long night of trying to figure out many things pertaining to the web, technology, and various other life exploits of mine, I’ve come to the conclusion that complicated things suck.

I will, from this point forward, be doing my best to Keep It Simple.

Leave a comment and let me know what you think of this new look…

Now I’m rolling and I can’t stop

I’ve gotten in this groove of staying up late and messing with my site. I know I should be in bed but I just can’t get my brain to settle down. So… as you can see my site has seen yet another re-design. This new design has (so far) only affected the blog section, but I have a feeing it will be moving into the rest of the site very soon. Maybe sometime in the near future I could actually use my site as a decent showcase of what I can do. For now however I will focus my major efforts on the paying gigs.

If you have some time please drop a comment and let me know what you like or don’t like about this new design.

Rustin’s Weblog

I got home from work a little earlier then I planned yesterday so I finally finished the project I started so many months ago. I spent a few hours just cleaning up the code that drives this blog… Since the code of the blog and the rest of the site are loosely integrated it totally messed up the look of the rest of the site. That will be my next job as soon as I get a few extra minutes.

Some new stuff to look for:

  • new comment styling
  • fixed the ‘Name’ field styling in the comment form
  • made sure fonts were consistant throu all the different content and popup bits
  • new menu styling (this one will probably change

And finally, there was a major change to the way I’m handling the comments. Thanks to the wonderful world of automated spammer bots I was being inundated with ‘advo-spam’ for some online casino. For those of you who don’t know what that is… it just means a computer somewhere has been programmed to find blogs and post advertisements in the comments section. I’ve been on a bunch of ‘blog support’ type message boards out there and there are apparently thousands of people having the same trouble. Without going into how a blog might get on these bots radar I will just say that once you’re there it’s one of the most annoying things anywhere. AND SO If you post a comment and don’t see it on the site immediatly it means you’ve been accidentally caught in the trap I set for the spammers. Try re-wording your post and make sure there’s not more then one link in it. If you have trouble after that… just drop me an email and I will try an dget it fixed.

There were some other minor changes… but those were the big ones. IF there is any geekish folks who would like to know how I did anything just drop a comment and I will let you know. For now though I think it’s just the non-geeks who read this.

Another new design

Well as you can see, I’ve spent some time on yet another new design. This one is powered completely by CSS and it was all kinds of fun to learn. Prior to this I dabbled with CSS but never really committedd to it completely. I didn’t realize it was so easy to implement.

So now that this is up I have to come up with content. You know, I really like to do development and new designs… but it’s always the content I can never finish. I’m just not good at pulling full paragraphs out of my @#$&(. Ahh well… I’m sure I will figure it out.

more to come, but until next time,


It may not seem like much…

It may not seem like much, but this little blog system was a lot of work. Not really the system itself, but making it look like the rest of my site. Kind of a pain in the butt to be honest. I’m not really skilled with CSS (cascading style sheets) and this whole things is built on em. So customization was a slow process.

So far it’s looking pretty good… I’m sure I will be tweaking and changing a lot as days go by, but a good start.

I have to sit back and thing how long I’ve been working on this. 6 hours. Really, would anyone but a total geek work on something like this for his personal site for 6 full hours. Mind you thats 6 full hours in the middle of the night when there’s a busy day ahead. Ahh well. at this point I’m staying up all night anyway, and what else am I gonna do. Thats right, nothing. So I will keep working on it till sun-up. 🙂

In the beginning

Welcome to my first Blog (weblog)

“What’s all this about” you ask. Well nothing really. I’m just going to use this as a sounding board for anyone who happens across my little area online here. Probably just family and friends who link through emails and such. It’ll probably be a place to tell stories and give a day by day account of my life here in CA. (there were 2 previous lives to my ‘California’ life… tentatively titled ‘Omni’ and ‘Young’ but you’ll hear more about those later)

Not sure exactly who will be interested in reading them… but I’m sure there is someone. I figure if there are people in this world who will listen to someone like Barbara Strisand sing, then they will surely read my rantings. it would be much easier on their ears.

This site is becoming my little testing ground for stuff I would like to try on other folks sites. This blog system for example started out as just a test of a Content Management System for a web client I have. I loved it so much, and was learning all kinds of new stuff… I just couldn’t help but put it into action on my own site.

If you want to talk about anything I’m saying here feel free to leave a comment by hitting ‘comments’ link below. I wanna hear what you have to say.