Category Archives: The Book

A new energy

It’s now been almost 8 moths since I first told you all that I wanted to write a book. I must sadly confess that I’m not much further ahead on the project then I was when I last posted in this category on my blog.

I had a really good run for about a week there in September, then I just couldn’t think of where to take the story. For the following several months I tinkered and edited, changed some passages, and worked in some details. But really I wasn’t making any real headway. I was stuck to the same 10 or 15 pages as it just changed forms.

I’ve suddenly had a resurgence of interest in writing. Not becoming an “author” mind you, but just writing something interesting. Something that other people would be interested in reading.

The real problem I’m having tonight is that as I re-read my story so far it just feels like a dead end. It’s a great start, but I just can’t think of anywhere to take it.

In short.. this little blog entry doesn’t say much. I’d like to say I’ve given myself a deadline for finishing a manuscript, but I know I would just let the deadline slip by. So I’ll just say that I’m going to give it some more energy in the coming days and see where I get.

an update

In my previous entry I promised the before the weekend was out I would have words down on paper… well type them anyway.

I am happy to say that I fulfilled the promise… and it wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be. In my normal life I think very conceptually, I don’t mess with the details. But in order to write a coherent story I don’t have the luxury of just letting the details fall into place. I have to write each of them out. This takes me a really long time, but I think it’s worth it.

I’ve got some great ideas down and I’ve even finished a first draft of the first page. Now that I think a little more about it though, I may trash that in favor of some little sparks of imagination from this morning.

More to come…

A writer? Maybe.

In the last few days I have had this really strange desire to write a book. I don’t know what it would be about. I don’t even know what kind of book it would be. I love the idea of creating a new fantasy adventure, but I really don’t think I have the brain for it.

What really got me on this little kick was my first exposure to C.S. Lewis. After all these years of hearing about it, I finally read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Well… ‘read’ is sort of strong… I should say that I actually listened to the audiobook on my ipod. I really love doing this. I throw my headphones in before I go to bed and fall asleep to wonderful stories. It’s way better then letting the TV run. Anyway, so I listened to the first two books that were published in the Chronicles of Narnia series. (incidentally, my employer is releasing a motion picture of TLWW fairly soon)

  • The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (TLWW)
  • The Horse and His Boy (THHB)

I must say that The Horse and his Boy was immensely more entertaining for me. The characters had more depth, the story had more meaning, and the action was much more intense. I’m sure there are many folks out there who are going to disagree with me… but thats my opinion. I’ve only finished those two books, and I fully intend to finish the rest, but it’s only been two days so cut me a break.

So to get back on topic: I would really love to write a fiction book. I spend my days creating live experiences to take people out of the real world, it stands to reason I should be able to create the same sort of thing in someone’s mind right?!? Every day I create treatments, stories, and scripts that portray the idea and setting of the events I plan. All I need to do is take the next step and put that 4th wall in.

When I’m creating events I always have to take into account how the guests will interact with what I have created. I don’t have the luxury of telling a story through words, so I tell it with props and settings. At best I can encourage specific feelings, but I can’t actually have a dialog. THAT is what I really want to do.

Anyway… I haven’t done any planning or work at all to get me down the road. This blog entry is as far as I’ve gotten so far into even deciding what I really want to do.

I’ve set a goal, that before this weekend is out, I’m going to get some words down on paper. We’ll see how it goes.

See you Later.