I want Gmail

There is all kinds of opinions floating around the web about Google’s Gmail. While I understand that the reason the service was launched was probably very simply to gain ad dollars, you just can’t say much bad about 1 GIG of free email space. Granted, I use this domain as my primary email and probably always will, but I would like to try it out for myself and decide what I like.

The problem comes with getting an invitation. The system, still being in BETA (or testing) is, only available by invitation. The only people with invitations to share are folks who currently use Gmail. I run in the world of entertainment and marketing where few even know what Gmail is, I just highly doubt anyone in that circle will have an invitation. AND SO my request goes out to you, my 6 faithful readers (by my last count). If you know of anyone with Gmail invites I would love one. I could even be convinced to share a bit of Disney magic with someone willing to share.

** crosses fingers and clicks heels together **

oh… wait

****Update**** I now have Gmail thanks to a random (but wonderful) reader of my blog. My new address is rustin.jessen [at] gmail [dot] com

11 thoughts on “I want Gmail”

  1. I got here by chance and saw this entry. I’ve got many invitations and nobody to give them to. if you want one, just drop me a line @ exiledsoul[at]gmail.com. take care 😉

  2. Nobody NEEDS any kind of email account. Thats just stupid. I’ve given two invites away to people who asked nicely (John and Terry), and deleted the comments of several more just sounding like this idiot.

    If you are interested in getting a gmail invite from me I will expect the same courtesy I showed the person who gave one to me.

    Here is some finer points for those of you who are confused:

    • ask nicely possibly with the word “please”
    • never use online ebonics. I speak english and like to read it. ‘plzzz’ DOES NOT equel ‘please’
    • I don’t need to know the level of your ‘need’ for the gmail service. Just let me know your interested.

    Gmail is a cool thing, and believe it or not it actually deserves the hype it gets. I will do my best to keep up with the invite requests.

  3. Hi Rustin,
    I’m glad you are enjoying gmail! I understand you anger at impolite people. I still have some invitations but I’m reluctant to give them away. Some don’t ask nicely, others don’t even accept the invitation afer asking for it (no excuses/explanations provided either). People should understand that politeness is obligatory even on the internet. Oh well …

  4. I’ve still got quite a few gmail invites I could give away. Let me know if your interested.

    ** really seriously… this is not an april fools joke **

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