You know when you run into someone that you haven’t seen in a long time. Maybe a lot has gone on since you last saw each other. It may be a good friend, or just someone you worked with. Whatever the situation was, once you’ve been apart for a long time you will be subject to the ‘quick catch up’. It usually happens when you least expect it, and when it’s most inconvenient. It will be when your both on your way somewhere in rather a hurry, but you feel obligated to listen to their life-update then give your own. For me it usually ends in sort of an awkward lull in the conversation when you both realize that your out of stuff to talk about. It’s not that you don’t have something interesting to say… it’s just that you don’t have something interesting to say TO THEM.
I have to tell you that I’m really not good with the quick catch up. I fumble on my words and usually end up with something to the effect of “same old stuff”. You see, I have issues tooting my horn about the cool stuff I’ve been involved with unless I know the other party is genuinely interested. In the 30 second re-introduction during the quick catch up, there’s just no way to know if they really want to know… or they are just being nice and waiting for their turn to give the life update.
Once again this is a post just to tell you what is on my mind. There are no conclusions, or suggestions on how to remedy what can be a strange situation. If you have your own story about the quick catch up, feel free to leave it in the comments.
Till next time.
I think you SHOULD tell people what you are doing. I love hearing about it….of course I am the mom and very interested in the kind of things you do. I’ll just bet others would be interested too!