Alrighty… what have I got to say today. As always life has been full of twists and turns and fun stuff all around. I’m getting settled into the new gig at Disneyland and slowly but surely getting buried in a pile of work. It’s all pretty fun. Lots of proposal and budget writing for upcoming events and such. I talk on the phone a lot and just run down details to make sure the events go alright. Anyway…. I’m getting settled. I’m now kind of used to the pace of things after a totally nuts weekend of 5 (yes count them 5) events in 3 days. I almost pooped my pants when I woke up in a cold sweat Sunday morning thinking it was Monday. I was totally sure I was late for a morning event and I had a set of Mini-Discs in my pocket that they needed. After two phone calls and making a poor hotel operator track down some tech folks on radio I finally came to the realization it was the wrong day and I was a complete idiot. (I’m still trying to live this one down with the friendly presentation svcs. guys at the hotel) So yeah. now that I’m in the groove all seems to be going well.
In other news I got a call from my friend Cody yesterday. We were just shootin’ the breeze. His wife is expecting so he was shopping a bit for that. I think that the shopping trip was also for a wife present so I won’t go into the the conversation. He just called to ask me some geeky questions about the stuff he was going to buy.
I’ve been looking around at a lot of web designs I really like and it makes me think I really need to put some time into my site. There are some really really cool things out there on the web. I LOVE this design. All those lines are totally amazing. I emailed the author and I think I’m going to attempt something like it.
Anyway. Thats all I really have for now.
Some fun things to note:
- HALO 2 is finally here. (House Of Pain… Whicker will make a return!)
- Netflix is my new best friend
- The freaky guy upstairs who grew all sorts of plants and didn’t like to close his door has apparently vacated his apartment
- The cat that lived in the hole in the hallway has dissapeard and the hole covored
- The carpet that the above mentioned cat soiled has also dissapeared (this is the hallway carpet in front of my door… not the mat mind you, the actual common area carpet. gone for four days. Maybe they are going for a “projects” look)
Some things to be aware of:
- steam that comes from an iron is hot enough to cause blisters
- Laundry hidden under the bed does not in fact dissapear as previously belived
I finally got to read a blog!! It’s kind of fun to read the day to day stuff. Hope everything is going well….