involuntarily awake

It’s 2:10AM and here I am in front of the computer. I was asleep, though not for long. I got to bed early so I could be ready for a very early event day. I’m planning on being at work around 4:00 AM (I’m telling myself 3:00 just to make sure there is no chance I’m any later then that).

Even though I have this event staring me in the face, that’s not what’s keeping me awake. Somehow over the last week or so, worry has found it’s way back into my brain. I did so well for so long at not sweating the small stuff. And even now i’m able to fend off the real trouble much better then I used to. But that doesn’t disguise the fact that I’m awake… and work worry is to blame.

I think today I will find a solution to that.

More to come.

One thought on “involuntarily awake”

  1. Hey Rustin, if you find a good solution to stop yourself from worrying about the small stuff, will you please pass it on? I’m a nut case lately…

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