Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

So I came home from work today feeling a little blue. I have been traveling a very long road to a difficult event with an incredibly difficult client. It all came to a head on Monday (event day) when I had nothing but praise from the event guests, and nothing but very nasty complaints from the actual client. It was a super high pressure situation that really pulled my emotions out from the little storage box they normally stay in when I’m in my event ‘zone’.

So it’s the clean up period after this event and my stomach is still tied in little knots. I really needed some kind of release. I was surfing around online and decided a movie was the ticket. Just something to take me out of my reality for a few hours.

In reading some reviews on I found that one I had never heard of was on the top of the critics picks. I ran it by Janey… but I think she just wanted me to make the decision. And so we were off to the theater!

We saw a wonderful little movie called ‘Kiss Kiss Bang Bang‘ that did exactly what I needed it to. It’s a very dark movie with too much foul language, several murders, major suspense, clever mystery, more plot twists then you can shake a stick at, and the thickest most wonderfully written script that I’ve seen in ages. It was like one big brick wall of dialog that was constantly flowing at you, and if you were quick enough to catch it all you’d be rolling in the isles with laughter. Did I mention multiple corpses, severed finger, a hungry dog, a body (or two) in the trunk, mean bad guys, false trails, etc etc?

This movie is absolutely not to be seen by kids or people who can’t handle ample amounts of violence. But if your up for that sort of thing, and could use a good laugh while watching the underdog win… go see this movie.

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