To the jack off who stole our bikes,

Well… what’s the story here. Are you really dumb, or just a jerk? First you make off with my girlfriend’s bike that was being stored on my patio. Then you waited a week or so, and stole the other bike that just happened to be on the same patio.

If you needed two bikes, why didn’t you just take them both at once? Better yet, if you needed two bikes why didn’t you just go to Wal-Mart and buy them… thats what I did.

5 thoughts on “To the jack off who stole our bikes,”

  1. Except for me, I didn’t go to Wal-mart. Mine was a gift, and of sentimental value.

    I’m taking your grill of the patio right now.

  2. I’m sorry your bikes were stolen! Did you file a report with the police – or would that even work? I will say that I was very surprised that you weren’t concerned about that very problem a while back….again, sorry!

  3. You know what? I’ve been in one of those “people just suck” moods, and this just reinforced all of my negative feelings. So sorry about your bikes!

  4. I was messing aruond on the computer and decided to type my name into a google search. I happend onto your site and read your story about having your 2 bikes stolen off your patio. Not so exciting except for the fact that we share a very rare first name and the exact same thing happend to me!! 2 bikes stolen off the same patio(mine were taken within 48 hours of eachother). I wonder if all “Rustins” in the world are as slow to learn as we are – we should have moved the 2nd bike asap . . . . .
    Cheers, Rustin

  5. We Rustins must be a seriously thick bunch. I’ve met only 3 in my lifetime (with you it makes 4), I hope their bikes are still secure.

    I’m completely amazed and the coincidence of the thefts, and our names, and well… I’m just really amazed. I’m actually having a really hard time just typing this, my brain is jumping all over.

    Where are you from?
    Do you have a new bike yet?

    This is by far the best blog comment that I’ve ever gotten.

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