I had a terrible bout with some sort of stomach bug yesterday. It was not good at all.
I had decided to go into work on the holiday for a few reasons…
– Holiday Pay
– I’m up to my eyeballs in un-competed tasks
– I really really really wanted to dig out from under the mountain of paperwork facing me since it’s the end of the our fiscal year.
I arrived at my desk a little before 9AM with a Diet Coke in hand ready to face the day. The entire office was deserted save one person clickaty-claking on their keyboard way down the hall. I logged in to find my email inbox brimming with new messages all having arrived the previous Friday afternoon. At least 25 of the 30 messages were concerning an event I have coming up tomorrow. It’s been a very last minute thing, and I’m praying that all comes off well. It’s a fairly good sized event for an incredibly hard-to-please crowd, so cross you fingers for me.
To get back on track with the story… I spent the better part of the first two hours at work returning emails and digging up various bits of information for folks in need. Then completely out of the blue, and with no warning at all my stomach bubbled and gurgled for about a second and my whole body was taken with a sudden heave. I had little more then Diet Coke in my system that morning, but the whole of my morning beverage found it’s way into the trash can just underneath my desk.
It was the strangest thing I have experienced in a very long time. I didn’t feel sick or strange. It just happened with no provocation or warning. I hung my head over the garbage can for a few minutes while this fit of stomach voodoo ran it’s course. Then when it seemed all had subsided I walked down the hall to get a sip of water to wash the terrible taste from my mouth. I was no more then 3 feet from the drinking fountain (and coincidentally the restroom door) when my stomach made the same gurgling sound. I wasted no time in bolting through the restroom door where I wouldn’t make a terrible mess.
So after that I never made it back to my desk. I had developed a terrible headache and I decided to get to a pharmacy then go home. I spent the day with cold shivers and sweaty naps. It was miserable. Then almost magically around 4:00 I was fine, with little more then the remnants of a headache. It was a very strange day. I spent the evening with a temperamental stomach, but it kept my dinner down…
… very weird. But I’m glad it’s over.
On a happy note, I did wake up in the middle of the night last night and write some more. I cranked out about 5 pages before I even knew what was happening. It’s kind of fun 🙂