Airbag – Goldfish
Some words of wisdom and encouragement in potentially troublesome times. As expected from Mr. Storey, well put and perfectly timed.
Doesn't play well with others.
by Rustin
Some words of wisdom and encouragement in potentially troublesome times. As expected from Mr. Storey, well put and perfectly timed.
by Rustin
Somehow I missed this. House Industries relaunched with an awesome new site.
How do you start a new blog?
You can’t just launch right into a post. You’ve got to introduce yourself, say who you are and what you know. Right? I think I’ve got to tell you how much of an expert I am on some topic or another and tell you why you should come back and read again. But then, maybe I should just let loose with a bit of a brain dump and see what sticks. In any case, here it goes.