All posts by admin

It’s a great day.

Today is a good day. For the first time since my return from Florida, I’m feeling that I at least have a handle on my list of shtuff to do. It’s been a run of some difficult events with late nights and early mornings. But the payoffs were good and just about everyone walked away happy. I was able to stay home last weekend and just relax… and I did just that. I think the only times I saw the light of day were to take the trash out. It sounds boring, but it was just what I needed.

Looking back on the last two weeks I have to smile at all the wonderful stuff that happened.

  • I had the chance to meet, and work with, a dream team of Disney Imagineers on a one-in-a-lifetime type of event. It was so exciting for me personally, and I’m sure our guests had a great time
  • I’ve had the chance to stretch my creative legs on a few after hours event concepts. It’s exhausting but very fun to just be creative

So today I’ve been cranking away on plans for events coming next week and well into the Holiday Season. I can’t remember the last time I was working this far out in my schedule. It’s fantastic!

My family is coming down to CA this week. I’m guessing that just about everyone reading this will be here 🙂 I’m pretty dang excited to see everyone.

I know this entry is short… but I better get some work done this afternoon. I will try and post again soon.

I know, I know

So I know it’s been forever since I posted here. I just want you all to know I’m still alive.

Janey and I came back from florida with over 2,000 photos, and she has a good chunk of them up on her onilne photo album. Click here to check them out.

As you can imagine we have all kinds of stories and good stuff to talk about. I will try and get it all on here very soon.

I also have some really really great stories to tell about this weekends events. It’s something that has never been done before at Disneyland, and we actually pulled it off, with only a few hiccups.

I’ll be back with more.

Taken by the milano

milanoI’ve been taken by the Milano cookie. If you can belive it, tonight is actualy the first that I have ever had.

Janey and I were at the grocery store buying up goodies for our trip when I spotted the distictive white paper packaging of the Pepperidge Farm cookie. I decided to throw them in the basket for a taste, and they really are quite fantastic. Its a satisfying combination of rich, dark chocolate sandwiched between two exquisite cookies (as described on the Pepperidge Farm website).

Thats all… I just found a new favorite sweet snack.

It’s time to go

So my terrestrial being is T – 48 hours from leaving on a wonderful fun-filled vacation to Walt Disney World in Florida… and I’m quite sure my brain is already on its way there.

I have mountains of things to get through before I leave, but trying to get me to focus right now is a little like trying to get nessie on film. Lots of people around think it might be happening, but the reality is that it’s impossible. I look like I’m in a very serious creative development mode, with my eyebrows crumpled and my fingers flying across the keyboard. But my brain is on a plane. I’m already going over the conversations Janey and I will have as we park the car and head for the terminal. I’ve planned out my strategy to make sure she is fed and un-cranky (she has a plan to – but I’m keeping a plan B just in case). The trip is going to be fantastic.

Here on the homefront things are totally nuts. I have a small event tonight, and I’ve actually planned 3 that will happen while I am gone. Well, I really shouldn’t say ‘planned’ in the past tense. As is the nature of events, these ones are very organic, and seem to be changing by the hour. I’m still sort of putting the finishing touches on things. I’m quite nervous about this, but I’ve left them in the capable hands of some very talented folks so maybe the worry will subside.

Anyway… so I’m going to be on vacation very soon, and I’m really excited about it.

the power’s out

As you may already know there is a major power outage in LA right now. Now I know I’m not in LA, but many of the data systems I use in my daily work are served up from there.

So everything is at a big standstill right now. Events like this always remind me how completely reliant I am on my PC in so many aspets of my life. Very funny and a little frightening.

Here’s more:

LOS ANGELES, Sept 12 (Reuters) – A major power outage hit Los Angeles area on Monday, knocking out electricity to thousands of customers as officials scrambled to determine the cause and police declared a state of emergency.

“The city is on a tactical alert and obviously traffic is going to be impacted,” Los Angeles Police spokesman Kevin Maiberger said.

Maiberger described a tactical alert as “what happens when the city goes into a state of emergency. Police officers will only be responding to calls where there is a threat to life.”

Maiberger said there were no evacuations planned and no reports of injuries.

“There’s a major disruption,” Los Angeles Fire Department spokesman Jim Wells said. “It’s a widespread power disruption.”

A Los Angeles Department of Water and Power spokeswoman said it was not immediately known how many homes or businesses were without power, though it was known to be in the thousands, but that the utility was trying to pinpoint the trouble.

“We are trying to get a handle on it,” spokeswoman Kim Hughes said, adding that heat was not thought to be a factor on a relatively cool September afternoon. “We think it’s a transmission problem.”

Outages were reported across downtown Los Angeles, Koreatown, North Hollywood, Burbank and in the San Fernando Valley. Officials said power had not been lost at Los Angeles International Airport.

Television stations showed scenes of confusion unfolding at major traffic intersections as motorists tried to navigate through stoplights that were no longer working. Traffic from the area’s freeways was reported to be jammed as stoplight outages caused backups onto the freeway exit ramps.

In the financial district of downtown Los Angeles office workers huddled in groups outside their buildings.

Many workers were stranded outside their buildings, which occurred during lunch and stalled elevators in the high-rise district.

A spokesman for the California Independent System Operator, which manages most of the state’s power grid, said the outage in Los Angeles appeared to involve transmission lines within the control area operated by the city’s Department of Water and Power, a big municipal utility.

The ISO said it had no further immediate information.

involuntarily awake

It’s 2:10AM and here I am in front of the computer. I was asleep, though not for long. I got to bed early so I could be ready for a very early event day. I’m planning on being at work around 4:00 AM (I’m telling myself 3:00 just to make sure there is no chance I’m any later then that).

Even though I have this event staring me in the face, that’s not what’s keeping me awake. Somehow over the last week or so, worry has found it’s way back into my brain. I did so well for so long at not sweating the small stuff. And even now i’m able to fend off the real trouble much better then I used to. But that doesn’t disguise the fact that I’m awake… and work worry is to blame.

I think today I will find a solution to that.

More to come.