OH… so much stuff I’d like to talk about. I’m going to start typing, and see what falls out.
… Friday while I was walking from my car to my desk something funny happened. I was doing that quick meaningful walk. You know that one you do when your just a little behind schedule, and you’re trying to make up time. The thought is that if you do the quick meaningful walk nobody will stop you and make you further behind schedule.
So I got through security and was walking across the TDA hard-scape (this is like the big concrete courtyard area in front of the yellow Frank Ghery designed office I work in) with a smattering of other folks walking in to work. I’m about 10 yards from the door of the office building and I see Mickey Mouse in his traditional black and red tux come around the corner on the opposite side of the courtyard area. Now keep in mind this is backstage… no guests will see mickey here.
He was all alone… this was not normal. Mickey almost always has a ‘handler’ just like our executives. He just rarely goes anywhere apart from his normal places without a host. Anyway, so he was alone. As he passed me I gave him a simple wave and he gave me a friendly nod. A few more steps later a woman in tech blacks said “hi Mickey”. Mickey waved at her, and kept on his way. I’m not sure if it’s coming across in the text here, but it was just so neat to see Mickey Mouse just walking along with everyone else heading in to work. Just like another guy… heading to wherever he needed to get something done. Something I’ll always love. It reminded me of one day when I first started with Disney. I was backstage in Town Square and Snow White and Aurora came walking over just chatting with their purses hanging off their arms. They were just casually on their way in to make some magic. A scene that was strange to get used to… and again, something I will always love.
… Last night I was up late trying to teach myself a new programming language and framework (Ruby and Rails for those who care). I was trying to get into that late night zone where I just got into it and it would click for me. I was in need of some caffeine so I made the decision to head down to the corner store for a Diet Coke refill.
My apartment complex has those outdoor staircases on the ends of each building. You go through a door out of the carpeted hallway and into the tiled staircase. I make note of the different floor covering, as it plays a major roll in the story.
As I went out the door a large set of events all happened in what seemed like an instant. It all started before I arrived when some wonderful passer-by spilled some sort of creamy drink on the tile floor on the landing at the top of the stairs. As I passed through the door my feet left the solid carpet for a much more uncertain stance on wet tile.
One leg kicked out in front, while another stepped back to get under me. That foot slipped in the opposite direction, and I was on my way down. I took a moment to utter a few expletives while contemplating the distance to the floor. I put my left hand out to brace for impact while the cup in my right hand sailed into the air. My left hand hit the floor just about the same time as my left hip. and just a moment later I was laying in the wonderful pool of creamy drink on the tile floor above the stairs. As if to add insult to injury, the door came swinging back to close on my legs.
It was a good 100 feet until the anger melted away and I started to laugh out loud. It was a really good fall, and my hand did slap the ground (something that always makes me chuckle when I see it happen to others)
… I found out today that my sister, through the course of her chemo therapy, has begun to lose her hair. I’m sure that is something that can put your spirits in the toilet while so many other things are going on. I also found out that she and her family are coming down here to CA for a short trip. They will be here in the morning.
I wanted to show her that ‘it’s all good’. And that while we can’t know exactly what she’s going through, we can show her that we’re willing to be with her and support her. So… I shaved my head today. All the way, totally bald.
Jac… I’m with you, It’s all good, and we’re both going to be growing our hair back soon enough.
love you.