All posts by admin

Mickey visits my home town

Some of you may not know this but Mickey and Disneyland took to the skies with a 100-foot tall, Mickey Mouse-shaped hot air balloon dubbed “The Happiest Balloon On Earth”. The crew is traveling throughout the western United States and Canada on a 12-stop tour.

It just so happens that this morning they stopped in my old neck of the woods.

Here is a few photos of the baloon inflating in front of the Salt Lake City-County building.


And here is one of Mickey starting his tour as the first baloon through the Grand Canyon.

Great relaxing night

We had a great night tonight.  When I got off work Janey and I ran a few errands.  While driving we were batting around what we wanted for dinner and decided it was a great night for sushi.  I’ve become quite partial to a wonderful little Japanese restaurant at the Paradise Pier Hotel called Yamabuki (It’s where janey took me for my birthday last year).  So we stopped in for a fantastic dinner at the sushi bar.

About halfway through Janey actually made the suggestion of stopping by Disneyland when we were through.  Of course I was all over that like white on rice!!  I love going to Disneyland, and I’m always afraid that I will push her over the edge if I ask her to go with me too much.

So a hop, skip, and jump later we were inside the gates of the Magic Kingdom.  We were only there for an hour or so.  Just long enough to take in the atmosphere and go on Haunted Mansion.  Man, I’ll tell you that just a little dose of that wonderful little theme park just does me good.  I know I am there every day, but I don’t take the time to just stop and smell the roses… or vanilla as it were.  That was a little pick-me-up that will keep me going for a while.

Great night… great night.

Oh, she know’s me alright

MontySo my wonderful girlfriend surprised me with a fantastic preasent for my birthday (today).

Thats right friends, it’s the gift that keeps on giving and giving. The entire Monty Python Collection (16 discs!). That includes all 45 episodes of Flying Circus, as well as a bevy of things I’m sure I didn’t even know existed. In fact… aside from the Hollywood Bowl show… I didn’t know they existed.

So I’m in for a few months or so of solid fantastic classic british humor by the masters themselves.

Thanks Janey. Love you.

Messy Desk (Part 2)

Messy DeskSo, as all six of my regular readers will know, about a month ago I did a big desk cleanup at work. You can read that post to find out about the motivation… What I’m here to do today is give you all an update on how it’s going. This entry was actually inspired by a comment made on that previous post.

So it’s actually been a little more then a month since I dug down to find the grey horizontal cubicle shelf that I refer to as my desk. The fact that I work in a monstrous cubicle farm is a subject I like to gripe about. We’re a creative company… with a decidedly uncreative work area. That, of course, is a topic for another post. For now lets stick with the organization of my little grey box.

For the last month I have actually done very well with keeping the area clean. I’ve received several tips via email by folks who apparently don’t like to comment on my blog. These people have all sorts of tricks they use to stay organized. Even my Mom chimed in with a tip of her own. In the end though, I didn’t heed a lot of the tips… I just sort of did it.

It’s actually taken a lot of real thought to do. The first few days I would find myself instinctively just putting papers on the desk after I’ve read them and moved on to something else. I had to stop what I was doing and remind myself to put it in it’s correct file. Luckily my work is project based so it’s easy to come up with an organization system. Each project has a folder, and each folder has a slot on a desktop folder display/ramp/holder thingy. So in the beginning it was tough, but now I’m kind of on autopilot.

Another tough part was making sure my desk was clean at the end of each day. I work like crazy all day, and it’s really fast paced. so I used to just work right up until my leaving time… then when the clock hit the designated time I dropped what I was doing and left. Now when I arrive I set a little alarm on my cell phone for about 15 minutes before quitting time (changes from day-to-day). When the alarm goes off I start my cleanup. Most days that just means sorting a small stack of invoices, POs, requests, photos, drawings, and other stuff into their folders. Other days it means making sure that my computer desktop is clean of icons as well… all those data documents have a folder too! And if I have somehow gotten my hands on an old fashioned graphite pencil, that day will call for a wipe down of the desk surface (for some reason I can’t hold onto a pencil without writing all over everything and getting graphite shavings everywhere).

I still can’t say that it’s made me any more effective, or more efficient in what I do. But I’m sure it’s nicer for folks who have to look at my desk… And hopefully it looks like I’m totally in control. Of course I will still maintain that it’s nice to show up in the morning to a clean desk, so I guess it does help me capture that hour or so of work I was losing while I got situated in the morning.

I’ll post again about this if anything really comes of it. 🙂

My first re-read

is.jpegSo I just did something that I never do. Well, at least something that I’ve never done before. I actually completed a second reading of an entire book, a novel to boot.

The subject of my determination was “Angels & Demons“, a novel written by Dan Brown. This was Mr. Brown’s first book in what looks to become a series starring the character of Harvard symbolist Robert Langdon. The second book being, the wildly popular, always controversial, and soon-to-be blockbuster movieThe DaVinci Code“. Several fan websites say that Dan Brown is working on a third book, with the same starring character, having to do with American secret societies.

I’m not sure what prompted me to actually read this book a second time. Getting me to read something once would normally take an effort akin to coaxing a proclamation from God, but for some strange reason I just felt like reading. I do go on reading kicks now and again, but being a very critical audience, with an incredibly short attention span, it’s difficult to find a story that doesn’t irritate me to the point of closing the book after the first paragraph. But Dan Brown has a brilliant sense for including the perfect amount of detail without letting it slow the story down. I really love his writing.

He’s got four books and I’d recommend them all. Now go do some reading.

Goofy’s Play Area

I recently read a small feature (nevermind where) about the newly opened play area in Toontown with the following text:

“When Walt Disney developed his first theme park, he intended it to be a place where children and adults alike could share in the fun.”

Just to the right of that is a photo of the sign outside the play area reading:

“Goofy’s Playhouse is intended for the enjoyment of children ages 2-5 years old.”

So we intend for children as young as two, and adults as old as 5 to enjoy this attraction together. This specifically just seems like somebody is trying desperately to shoehorn this square little “Waltism” into a decidedly round hole.

I’ve never really been a fan of these age specific areas in the parks. We should make magic that can be experienced together. Just because a playground is a different shape/color/texture doesn’t make it any different then the one behind the school. While this playground may be useful, I feel like the whole concept is just uninspired.

Lets look back to what did happen when a really creative play area was needed… Tom Sawyer Island. Now that’s a playground you can be in without even realizing you’re being spoon fed a jungle gym. The complex as a whole was designed with no specific age range in mind. There are features for every age, always with the story at it’s heart.


If you visit Goofy’s Playhouse, you won’t see parents having fun WITH children, you will see parents waiting while their children have fun. That is exactly what Disneyland was built to avoid. Walt himself said he thought of Disneyland while waiting for his girls to ride a merry-go-round. He wanted a place that he could have fun with them too.

I walk by this ‘new improved’ area and just want to take a big ‘ol nap. Doesn’t make me happy, doesn’t elicit any kind of emotion really. So it’s just wasting good space where space is at a premium.

Ok… that’s my rant.

(photos from

The French Quarter… really, it is.

Kimberly Williamson Butler is running for Mayor of New Orleans. The header of her website features a photo of said fair city… oh wait. Look closer at that background!

This is most definetly Disneyland’s New Orleans Square, home of the Pirates of the Caribbean, The Blue Bayou, and Club 33… right here in Anaheim, CA. I’ve spent many hours standing in line for my clam chowder at the Royal Street Varanda directly behind where Ms. Butler is standing. Damn politicians.

Mayor Time


Update: Disney Looking Into Butler’s Unauthorized Use of Photo NEW ORLEANS (AP) – Disneyland is looking into a New Orleans mayoral candidate’s unauthorized use of a photo of its theme park on a campaign Web site. Criminal district Court Clerk Kimberly Williamson Butler’s Web site features the photo, which shows a portion of the California park that resembles the French Quarter. A Disney public relations official says the matter has been referred to the park’s legal department. Butler appears in the foreground of the photo, but it is not clear whether her image was simply superimposed on the scene by the Web site designer. Butler has not said why the photo was chosen instead of an authentic New Orleans cityscape. Butler is among 23 candidates running for mayor of New Orleans in elections this month. She has made news recently for being arrested on contempt of court charges and for comparing herself to Ghandi and Nelson Mandela after being released from jail last month. The arrest stemmed from her refusal to transfer authority for the cleanup of the court’s hurricane-flooded property room to an outside judge who was appointed to take on that task by the state Supreme Court.

Just a few updates

I’ve been knee deep in so many projects that I thought I’d never be able to get back here for an update. But I’m taking some time out this afternoon to make sure you’re all informed.

Things around here are interesting and boring all at the same time. I’m about 99.9% moved into my new apartment. It’s the same size as my old one in the same complex, it’s just been renovated a bit and it’s on the second floor. Those of you who’ve been reading a while might remember that the first floor hasn’t been so good to me. So that’s going well…

Work is picking up like crazy, I’ve got more events than I know what to do with. It’s fun, but a little stressful. Some are big, some are small, but they all seem to be challenging me quite a bit. Also a new project has hit my plate rather unexpectedly. It’s one of those that I can’t give details about online, but it’s a fun brain twister that I’m having a good time with. This special project alone has called for some pretty late nights.

Lets see, what else? Oh, Janey’s new roomie is all moved in and they did a much better job of cleaning up after the move then I did. I’m still living out of crates, bins, and boxes. I imagine I will be till it’s time to do laundry.

And I think that’s it. I know it’s a short update, but hey… at least I’m doing it!