All posts by admin

There is real magic here.

Today, while digging into some past events for research, I ran across an email that I sent on April 2nd of last year. The timeliness of me finding this almost exactly one year from the day it was written is purely coincidence. I just sort of tripped on it while combing through an archived file.

To set this up, let me fill you in on just a bit of background. This was written to a client who had been through a bit of a ringer. She had tried to get a hold of someone at Disneyland about planning an event for her family. She was given a runaround and basically got the feeling, from whoever she spoke to, that her small group just wasn’t worth the time. This makes my blood boil, but I won’t elaborate on it now…

To make a long story short, she made a bit of a stink (rightly so, might I add) and caught the attention of some higher-ups over on the sales side. She got some special attention from some senior folks over there before she got to me. Once I talked to her on the phone, we were well on our way to planning some really cool things that the resort had never done before.

Even though her name was passed to me with a “guest recovery” sort of warning, we got to know each other and she became one of my favorite Disney fans. Before that though, she sent me a message a little worried that I had been tasked to kiss her “you-know-what” because the poor way Disney treated her in the beginning…

… here was my response:
Continue reading There is real magic here.

Messy desk person

Messy DeskAll my life I’ve been a messy person. Not gross messy… like stinky, dirty, don’t-want-to-touch-you type messy, just clutter messy. You could say that an outsider would consider me visibly disorganized (though I will always maintain that my mental file system is quite reliable), and that my friends, is the important note for this conversation. Before I dig in though, lets chat a little more about my history.

When I was young, “messy” meant that my bedroom was very rarely presentable. I left laundry on the floor, toys all over the place, extra pocket change was dropped on whatever horizontal surface was near when I changed my pants, in short I just kind of let things lie. It was not uncommon to have to dig a small hole with my foot before I could step on carpet as I walked across the room. Of course my parents and sisters would get on my case about it, I even remember it coming to a few shouting matches, but I just had no interest in cleaning it up. My ADD just took a hold of my brain and wouldn’t allow me to focus on cleaning. More often then not I would enter my room with the best intentions of cleaning up, but wound up face down in a soft pile of laundry for an afternoon nap!

Continue reading Messy desk person

Rainy SoCal & A Sunday Brunch

Post CardIts raining right now here in sunny southern California. I really do enjoy when it rains. I’ve got the patio door flung all the way open just so I can hear the splash of the water and take in that wonderful smell of rain-wet concrete. That sounds a little smart assish… but really I do love the rain.

The sky has been threatening all day with dark grey clouds and cold breezes. Then finally around 6:30 it started to spit, and now it’s turned into a full on rain storm. It just puts me in such a relaxed state. It really makes me want to sit back and be creative. Make something, or write something. I figured the next best thing to something really creative was to post a little entry on this blog. 🙂

Continue reading Rainy SoCal & A Sunday Brunch

I’m no good with the ‘quick-catch-up’

You know when you run into someone that you haven’t seen in a long time. Maybe a lot has gone on since you last saw each other. It may be a good friend, or just someone you worked with. Whatever the situation was, once you’ve been apart for a long time you will be subject to the ‘quick catch up’. It usually happens when you least expect it, and when it’s most inconvenient. It will be when your both on your way somewhere in rather a hurry, but you feel obligated to listen to their life-update then give your own. For me it usually ends in sort of an awkward lull in the conversation when you both realize that your out of stuff to talk about. It’s not that you don’t have something interesting to say… it’s just that you don’t have something interesting to say TO THEM.

I have to tell you that I’m really not good with the quick catch up. I fumble on my words and usually end up with something to the effect of “same old stuff”. You see, I have issues tooting my horn about the cool stuff I’ve been involved with unless I know the other party is genuinely interested. In the 30 second re-introduction during the quick catch up, there’s just no way to know if they really want to know… or they are just being nice and waiting for their turn to give the life update.

Once again this is a post just to tell you what is on my mind. There are no conclusions, or suggestions on how to remedy what can be a strange situation. If you have your own story about the quick catch up, feel free to leave it in the comments.

Till next time.

Step it up folks

So Janey and I are watching American Idol and I’m just terribly dissapointed. Every contestant so far (we’re only about half way through it) has gotten up and just thrown a bunch of suck all over the stage. bleh.

Come on folks. If you’re going to be on TV with any hope of making a carrer in music… you’re going to have to step it up!

Of course, I do have to mention one stand out:


If you watch american idol you probably have heard of Taylor Hicks. He looks like jay leno minus the chin, and with grey hair. If you have a some free time this guy is definately worth watching… Good Luck Taylor.

Amazon Wish Lists

Remember Wish Lists? As kids, we sweated bullets over filling our lists with stuff we might actually have some hope of receiving, and stuff our friends and family would never buy us. I’ve finally jumped into the next generation with my wish lists. Read on…

With Janey at work today I’ve been left to my own devices to entertain myself. Of course I turn to the inter-web as a distraction from the day. My first stop was at Janey’s Blog… that took me to her Amazon Wishlist… and it made me really want one! Navigating it is kinda tough. Amazon really has a ways to go to make it really nice an usable. But as it is, it’s a great little parking lot for a list of stuff that you want.

The deal is that I can drop all the cool stuff that I want into the list, then anybody who sees the list can buy it and have it sent to me without knowing my address. Cool! In my searches today I’ve actually found that many people have random people send them items from their wish list. I think thats damned cool. I highly doubt that will happen here… but hey, it’s worth a shot!

So here’s the deal. There’s not too many items in it yet, but I’m sure I’ll build that up over time.

You can see my whole Wish List at:

That was short

That all seemed to go really fast. The family has come and gone… and the whole trip seemed to be over in a blink of an eye. It could be because I had to work almost every day they were here. And it could be that we were a few people less then usual, but it all just seemed to scream by.

As always, it’s great to see everyone. We had fun and I wish I could have spent a little more time with the group. Ahh well. Janey and I will have to plan a trip when both the babies are born (I just realized that I never mentioned that two of my sisters are getting ready for babies, this will have to serve as the official announcement).

I just heard that my mom and dad are spending an extra day in Mesquite since there is quite a blizzard raging up in Utah. Everyone else got home last night (they flew).

Alright, this post is a little disjointed, but I think I got all the info out that I wanted to…

The family is on their way

My reading audience will be cut down by at least half this week. A good portion of my family is on their way here from good ‘ol Kaysville. It should prove to be an eventfull and fun week. Whenever they come to visit I do quite a bit of running to try and help everyone have a good time.

As you might imagine, they spend a good portion of the days (if not every waking minute) at Disneyland. But they normally come during the busy season when the parks are open a bit later. We’re in an off season right now so we’ll be kicked out at around 9 PM at the latest. That leaves us some great time to visit other SoCal draws. Janey and I were thinking of some fun things like Roscos Chicken and Waffles… or maybe the Chicken House at Knotts for dinner. Maybe we could even head out to a movie on monday when it’s supposed to rain like crazy.

Anyway. I’ll come write some more when they take off and tell you how the week went.