Janey and I like to play HALO2 on X BOX live. We’d like to find more players, Any Takers?
Category Archives: Asides
Drum Skills – Tony Royster Jr.
Some of you may know that in a previous life (read: ‘back in the day’) I was a drummer. For all intents and purposes I’ve hung up my drumsticks for the forseable future, but I still have a very high appreciation for those folks who have a real talent on a drum kit.
I was surfing around a bit today and found the video that I’ve linked to below. I spent the entire 7 min. 56 sec. of the video with my jaw on the floor.
This kid is so young with MAD MAD MAD drum chops. See for yourself:
The pre-k economy
I’m not a parent, nor do I plan on being one anytime soon. But I read this and really liked it.
I thought I would share:
Slacker Manager: The pre-k economy
Find MiMi » Picture Post
Janey got a new camera, and she’s taking some really really cool photos.
Take a Look:
Find MiMi » Blog Archive » Picture Post
NASA’s Return to Flight
There is an awesome live brodacast happening for today’s Shuttle launch. I’ve been glued to my computer all morning watching all the interesting preperations that have gone into this return to space.
Very cool that NASA is webcasting a high quality video feed of all of this!
A step-by-step guide to charisma
British Scientists claim to have found the secret to that magical quality, charisma, and they say it can be learnt.
Lost and Found in Disneyland
A funny little artcle about Cast Member’s experiences.
Photoblogging Disneyland
This is one of my new favorite places to waste time.
Photoblogging Disneyland – a photoset on Flickr
Wacko Jacko Acquitted
Work came to a standstill around here as many many people packed into the breakroom to watch the virdict reading in the Michael Jackson case. I haven’t followed the trial at all, but I was all caught up in the frenzy of conversation and movement just down that hall.
An amazing transformation
Click to read: Half naked in a dark parking lot. It’s work safe, and very funny.