OK OK I know I’m not a Utahn anymore, but I linked to these ads while surfing around and almost busted my gut laughing.
Category Archives: Humor
YouTube – Broadcast Yourself.
I’ve just wasted an hour and a half of my day watching every manor of idiot dance around the world.
Totally good for a laugh: YouTube – Broadcast Yourself.
Ironic Anagrams
Sometimes I like to play with Anagrams. Thats where you take the letters of a word and try to form other words or phrases from those letters. Since it is a particularly slow morning for me I thought I would mess around with anagrams for Disneyland.
Among the hundred or so I found my favorite was DANDY LINES.
There were many others, one in particular that had an amazing personal sagnificance to me… super strange. Anyway. After I play with the letters a bit I check myself here to see how I did.
Works been slow for the sith
I had completely forgotten about this photo. I was just going to format the memory card in my camera when I ran across this image. I remember when we took it. My sister was in town, and we passed an old mini-mart that had just re-opened as a 7-11. And who better to be at the grand opening? Thats right… The sith lord himself, Darth Vader.
An amazing transformation
Click to read: Half naked in a dark parking lot. It’s work safe, and very funny.
Laughing out loud… at work
Ok, I’m at work right now. I work in a huge cubicle farm, so when I blurt out a honk of laughter I get noticed.
When people ask what is giving me the giggles, I send them to this site!
I just found it this morning, and I have been cracking up ever since.
16 Things
Alright… I’m the first to admit that I rarely like anything that comes from the desk of Dave Barry. Somehow though this little tid-bit of his was published and I enjoyed it quite a lot.
Thanks to my friend amber for pointing me to it.
by Dave Barry
Nationally Syndicated Columnist
1. Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.
Continue reading 16 Things
Jon Stewart on Crossfire
I know this happened a long time ago, but this is the first time I have seen the complete TV segments.
Let me just say that I don’t agree with Jon Stewarts politics at all, but the pure comedic value of this on-screen tension is just priceless.
Check out the entire video here.
PS this is a huge video file so I would steer clear unless you are on a high speed connection.
Very Funny
This is a fantastic PSA style TV spot for some creatives click here to see the video
One day…
One day at work… or at the store… I’m going to do this to someone.