Category Archives: Humor

Ironic Anagrams

Sometimes I like to play with Anagrams. Thats where you take the letters of a word and try to form other words or phrases from those letters. Since it is a particularly slow morning for me I thought I would mess around with anagrams for Disneyland.

Among the hundred or so I found my favorite was DANDY LINES.

There were many others, one in particular that had an amazing personal sagnificance to me… super strange. Anyway. After I play with the letters a bit I check myself here to see how I did.

Works been slow for the sith

I had completely forgotten about this photo. I was just going to format the memory card in my camera when I ran across this image. I remember when we took it. My sister was in town, and we passed an old mini-mart that had just re-opened as a 7-11. And who better to be at the grand opening? Thats right… The sith lord himself, Darth Vader.

Darth Vader... at 7-11

16 Things

Alright… I’m the first to admit that I rarely like anything that comes from the desk of Dave Barry. Somehow though this little tid-bit of his was published and I enjoyed it quite a lot.

Thanks to my friend amber for pointing me to it.

by Dave Barry
Nationally Syndicated Columnist

1. Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.
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